Friday, May 8, 2015

Platform Pizza - Things to do in Wicklow

The Irish Times have named it the “Best Pizza in Ireland”. Could it really be that good? With only you lovely readers in mind (and nothing at all to do with our rumbling bellies) we headed in to Platform Pizza in Bray, Co. Wicklow, to find out what all the fuss is about.

The first thing that hits you on entering Platform Pizza is the atmosphere. The industrial decor of the room is warmed by the array of interesting artifacts and features dotted around the place, and of course by the chatter and buzz of the many customers. Be warned – Platform Pizza is rarely quiet.

The lure of the toilets, entered by way of an antique wardrobe was too much for the kids and they spent the first 15 minutes needing the loo. Continuously.

Once we had persuaded them to actually sit in their seats, the excitement reached fever pitch. Not just any old pizza menu for them. Oh no. Starter, a choice of main, dessert, and a selection of drinks (including a very popular strawberry lemonade – made with proper strawberries) was all laid out on the special kids’ menu – which doubled as the rest of the evening’s entertainment (once the toilet glee had finally worn off). At just €8 per child, it is amazing value – a much needed aid when you have three children with you.

The staff at Platform Pizza are truly wonderful. Highly attentive, fun, and very welcoming to children of all ages. They are always on top of things and never far from hand when you need them.

Carlo, (or Carrrrrlo) who works front of house, took time out to tell us about the amazing boneless chicken wings that are one of their specialties. One of our party remarked that they had the taste and texture of chicken breast. I think he may have had a hard time believing they were actually wings (sorry Carlo), and in fact they do, only tastier, but not as tasty as the hot spicy sauce they come with. And did I mention the blue-cheese dip that accompanies them? (Sorry, I may have just salivated over my keyboard…)

The other starters were equally good – antipasti, and garlic bread that was inhaled by all of us almost before it hit the table. Great-quality meats, amazing dips, and fantastic dipping bread. Perfect. The kids, meanwhile, tucked into their dough balls.

The drinks menu was varied and very different from the usual. For review purposes only – of course – we tested out some of the cocktails and craft beers. We would have given a huge thumbs up for them; but we couldn’t risk spilling any.

So what about the pizzas, I hear you ask. Well…they were rubbish.

Only kidding. The quality of the meal continued with the awesome pizzas. The kids tested out the margarita and a ham and pineapple, whilst the grown-ups devoured a pepperoni; anchovies, capers and olives; and goat’s cheese and rocket. The decisions are tough, though – the pizza combinations on the menu are seriously tempting and all are priced between €11 and €14.

Are they the best pizzas in Ireland? Well, I can’t recall having a better one. The bases are crispy and chewy and just the right thickness. The toppings are great quality and generous. The choices are varied and the combinations well thought out.

And if you just don’t like pizza – well there is plenty on the menu for you weirdos too.

So what was the damage? €116 for 4 adults and 3 children – which I would say is pretty bloody amazing value.

Overall? Impossible to fault really.  10/10.

It’s possibly that I now have plans to return and make my way through the entire menu. I could be gone some time

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