Thursday, June 9, 2011

Warning to all parents!

Today is my daughter 7th birthday.

It's true what they say about the years flying by. In fact it seems that every time I leave the house I have some well meaning old biddie telling me to 'make sure you enjoy them now because before you know it they'll be grown up and fled the nest' or 'they don't stay young forever you know?'

It's at these moments I like to think back to earlier that day when I had one child climbing on my head, another shoving a carrot up my nose and the baby kicking me in the face as I tried to change his nappy. But what I'd really like is have a photo of the scene so that I could shove in old biddies face and shout 'Oh yeah? Really? Do you f*ing promise?'

But that might get me arrested.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say here is that it is actually true, but it's only at the milestones - the birthdays,  the first steps, the first day at school and the like, that you really notice it. 

So with my old biddie hat firmly on my head I'm telling you to watch out, because in the blink of an eye (which is about how much sleep I've had since) my little girl went from this:


to this

to this

to this:

to this:

to this:

to this: 

to this:
 Happy Birthday Bean.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry - completely mucked up my previous comment. I will try again.

    Your daughter is stunning.

    They do grow up so quickly but I also hear you about being stuck in the middle of it all and thinking it will last forever... (Actually in retrospect I had some bad days that may well have lasted pretty close to forever.)

  3. Beautiful. I think the trick is to enjoy the advantages of each age... they all have something wonderful to treasure :) ~ Christine xx

  4. That's a great photo gallery. We live in the moment so much with kids that you only realise how much they're changing when a hardly-seen relative says, 'My word, they've shot up haven't they"/ or when you look back at photo albums. What a sweetheart she is happy. Hope she has a lovely day.

  5. I know, Mini is 5 in 15 days, time which used to go so slow has speeded up to such a pace as I became a parent

  6. Happy 7th birthday to your little girl...she is beautiful.

    The little old biddie is a wise woman...My four are all grown up now. My youngest is eleven and I yearn to have them all home and babies again.

    I would love to go back to when my boys (now 20 & 21) were 10 & 11 again and my family were all little. They really are special years and fly by far too fast x

  7. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous girl!! Enjoy every second because before you know it they will be off to uni and bleeding the family coffers dry!! xxx

  8. Soooo true. What a beautiful little girl she is x

  9. That a gorgeous girl, you are going to have boys beating a path to your door in a few years time. Hope she had a lovely party.

  10. Frightening, I'm dreading my baby's 1st birthday, I don't know how I'll cope when she's 7! Is it surreal to be a mother of a 7 year old, I keep imagining it is, in your head are they still babies?

    You have a truly beautiful daughter, I'm sure you know this!!

  11. Oh Kate! Your little (or should I say 'big') Bean is just gorgeous! Happy Birthday Bean! My eldest is 7 in November and I don't need to be reminded of how quickly she's growing up. She has the attitude of a 21 year old already and says things like "are you listening to me?", "you don't take notice of anything I say to you" blah blah blah. All the things I say to her! LOL Have a lovely party.

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  12. What a beautiful selection of photos. It's funny, I always think every stage is the best and just want to freeze frame. Well, maybe NOT so much now we are hitting the teen years!

  13. they get old, we get older....

    life is cruel she is a stunner though.

  14. What a lovely bunch of photos. Happy Birthday to Bean and happy 'birthing day' to you!!


  15. Beauuuuutiful photos, did you make a cake as well as having a carrot shoved up your nose?
    Warning heeded...;)

  16. Nice pictures! I love this post. It reminds me of one of those flip books where you flip the pages fast and the pictures turn into a mini-movie. Just like life sometimes.

  17. Gorgeous pics of a gorgeous little girl. I know I have to keep telling myself to enjoy every moment. It becomes even more apparent as my daughter hurtles toward her 1st birthday. I used to roll my eyes at my mum when she'd say "I don't know where the time's gone" - now I completely understand!

  18. What a Beauty!! You post just made me feel sick to my stomach, In a good but really bad way... Thanks for the reminder!! Also, Happy Birthday to your Princess!

  19. Beautiful photographs. My youngest will be 1year old very soon. Can't believe how quickly that has snuck up on me.

  20. Awww, Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! We even share the same nickname! :)

  21. Happy Birthday to your daughter and what beautiful pictures. My eldest is off to senior school in September and I have to agree with the old biddies - it's gone by in a flash. One more flash and she'll have left home...

  22. Hello, I have been a stranger for a bit - to blogging, and not just to you! Manana Mama has tagged me and forced me back! My two daughters turned two on Wednesday - two years passing in a blink is bad enough, I can't imagine how fast the rest of time will go. I am very much in the thick of it right now (terrible twos, anyone?) and it certainly can feel a bit endless; I guess blogging gives us the chance to try and make sense of it and, more importantly, share it and laught about it!

  23. Ps happy birthday to your daughter yesterday - Gemini is a great sign (coincidently for me, the sign of twins!)

  24. Your post is so wonderful and terrifying at the same time! Being 'older' I am more than just a little aware of time passing like a train - I try to remind myself daily of what I have and I'm trying to hold on to it as best I can but it does just slip away doesn't it.
    Your pictures are beautiful. Happy Birthday to your stunning little girl. And she really is :-)

  25. Oh thats just soooo lovely. She's so beautiful and it's such a sweet post. Happy Birthday to your daughter. xox

  26. I'm constantly told the same by old biddies. My days drag. But the years do fly. My S is approaching 2 and is suddenly a demanding little thing. I want to freeze her, preserve her as she is right this instant before any more "child" creeps in to take over the "baby" that I think of as my daughter. I don't think putting her in a large jar of formaldehyde would be received well by society at large, so I'm stuck with her growing up. With time flying by and my baby days coming to an end. It really is very bittersweet.

  27. Aaaw they're lovely photos and you're so right about them growing up so quickly. i want mine to stay the same age as they are now forever x

  28. And she just keeps getting more beautiful.


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