Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Luke's Run

I've been stuck in a bit of a writing rut this week.

The thing is that Monday was not a normal day and I can't seem to write anything else until I write about why.

Monday was the one year anniversary of the tragic accident that took the life of my friend's little boy Luke. It's hard to even write that without welling up with tears. Throughout the past year his amazing mother has been a pillar of strength and grace and I know that all of our friends are in awe of how she and her family are coping with their unspeakable loss.

Monday was also the day that a group of their friends and family came together to run, jog, walk and crawl the Flora Women's Mini Marathon in Dublin to remember little Luke and to raise money for The Children's Medical & Research Foundation.

It was almost too big a thing to talk about on the day, but by being there we just wanted to say that we are here for you and we just wish we could do more.



  1. As usual, you gut me with your rare "moving" post. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a Mini. Good on you for being a good friend. x

  2. Wow. That's amazing and incredibly sad. I'm also having a bleh week with the blog but this puts things into perspective. Hope you're feeling ok xx

  3. I can only imagine the unspeakable horror of losing a child. My heart goes out to you and your friend. x

  4. Bigger fear ever, to lose a child. A dear friend of mine lost a son (through a silly teenage boy kind of accident) & she's going through chemo for breast cancer - how much can one mother take?? She is so graceful, strong & not angry, oh she's simply amazing. She always says she's trying to be strong & i just think she shouldn't have to be. It's too heart breaking. Wishing your friend love & your children too, they are too young to learn about death, especially a friend, simply a horror experience. Love Posie
    (not anonymous, Blogger won't let me sign in, argh)

  5. How incredibly sad. I think the efforts of you and your friends would bring great comfort to Luke's mother and their family for supporting her and doing something so precious in his memory.

    Life. It is precious.

  6. Life can throw some horrible curve balls at you. Well done on your 10k run. I should really challenge myself to do another one soon.

  7. Lovely to have such great friends when you need them.... puff, puff! How did you do in the run?

  8. Well done Kate. I have shivers running through my body. What a great friend you are to show your support in such a constructive way. When people suffer heartache they often lose some friends... people who just don't know what to say. Thank goodness for friends like you xxxx

  9. I'm sure your friend is forever grateful for your support.

  10. How awfully sad and gut wrenching. I get covered in a sudden panic and faint whenever I contemplate life without my little one.
    Its good that the day was marked with people participating in the race. It is a way of showing you are there for support and thinking of him and his mother and family.
    Very poignant post.

  11. Well done to you all, so great to be sticking together. Just what people need when they have lost someone xxx


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