Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Famous! Plus....Listography

So last week was a bit of a strange one. Having had an article published in the Irish Independent on Wednesday, by Friday I suddenly found myself in the make up room of RTE. (For those outside of Ireland RTE is like the poorer, less professional Irish brother of the BBC). It was only for 10 minutes but it caused great excitement in the Gunn household.

What's she doing in there?
Obviously I was quite brilliant and am now far superior to most of you reading this. The amount of attention I got from my family was extraordinary. Funny how when I'm actually in the room with them I am totally ignored....

Anyway, seeing as it won't be long until I make the leap from small screen to big, (I'm just waiting for the Stephen Speilberg call), and what with the Bafta's being on - I thought it fitting that this week's Listography celebrate some great movies.

So here are Kate Takes 5's Favourite Movies:

1. Jaws

'I think we're gonna need a bigger boat....'.
2. True Romance

 Love this movie - always have, always will. Was just reminded of how much by a friend on FB (Hi Emma!!)

3. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

A perfect family movie. Especially since you can threaten the kids with the child catcher as soon as they've seen it. Highly recommended (the film and the threatening)

4. The Big Lebowski

Probably my most watched movie ever. I just never tire of it. Best viewed with alcohol or similar.

5. Happy Gilmore

Just another Adam Sandler comedy I hear you say. To that I give you the film's best line:
Shooter McGavin snears at Happy Gilmore: 'I eat shit like you for breakfast'
Happy Gilmore to Shooter: 'You eat shit for breakfast???'


There were better and cooler films I could have put in here. The Godfather I & II, Goodfellas, Dead Man's Shoes...but these are the ones I have a real affiliation to.  Hey don't judge me, it's harder than you think.

Anyway now you know what you need to do. Get your 5 movies on your blog then come back and put your details into the linky below.
Looking forward to reading them!

BTW if you want to see the clip of my debut so that you can say you knew me before I hit the big time then here you go: The Daily Show (about 20 mins in): (only accessible for people in Ireland)

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