Saturday, November 5, 2016

Listography - 5 favourite posts (and 2 big milestones)

Happy 6th blogging anniversary to me!

Six years of banging a keyboard and sending my musings out in to the world to take on a life of their own. Sometimes they did, sometimes they didn't. But as every blogger knows - sometimes your favourite posts don't get any clicks at all, whereas that one you threw out on your phone whilst cooking dinner and herding kids seemed to reach the far corners of Mongolia.

I still haven't figured that one out.

I also celebrate another milestone this year. Unbeknown to myself I made it to 1 million hits on my little corner of the internet. It shows a lot that about how long I've been blogging that I didn't even notice when it happened. Stats somewhat slipped down the ladder of importance after about year three or four.

Back when I was a proper blogger - frantically writing posts, commenting on other people's blogs, joining in the community, chasing badges and buttons and links - I was ranked in the Top 10 British and Irish Parenting Blogs. It's a nice place to be when you put your heart and soul into something. But at some stage a shift occurred when the love of blogging left, and so I dropped out of all the stat chasing, removed myself from the lists and just started writing for me.

Since then I've written some of my favourite posts.

Which brings me to Listography. Listography was my linky. I ran it every week for years, cataloguing our favourite music, mugs, movies and more. Lots of bloggers joined in and it was fun. Until it wasn't. So I dropped it.

But what better time than an anniversary and a million milestone to resurrect it for a one off?

So - get a cup of tea, go back through your blog, pick out your top 5 favourite posts you've written and then write up your own Listography to share. Linky is below.

Here are mine

1. What makes your heart sing?
Nothing brilliant, but a good reminder to search for the happy


2. 51 thoughts every mother has about a rare night out. 
Definitely not written from personal experience *cough*


3. When all the toys are gone. 
Unashamed nostalgia about something that hasn't even happened yet.


4. A seismic shift
It was a pretty big year


5, 42 and thankful.
Not much to say about this other than I'm another year older now and still thankful.


Okay, go!

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