Sunday, September 11, 2016

Puglia Part 2: Alberobello, Polignano a mare and Matera

The one thing I love about travel blogging is that you get to revisit in your mind all the places you actually visited when you were off gallivanting wherever you were. 

My Italian adventure was quickly receding into memory, reduced to a faded picture of me lying by a pool in the long gone sunshine. But now it's all back in the forefront of my mind, thanks to rummaging through my camera roll for this post *happy face*

So, Puglia. 

We stayed in Noci - in this little hideaway. Following a day or two of lounging by the pool at our perfect trullo, we took to the winding streets to visit some of the must-see towns around. First up - 


Alberobello is famous for its trullos. We strolled the narrow streets spotting them every so often, before stumbling across a whole host of them clustered together on the other side of town. Many of the trullos are still homes, with lots of them converted to shops, bars, wine cellars and even hotels. 

As far as the eye can see

It's a stunning and unique place and well worth a visit.

Next stop on our day trip itinerary was the drop dead gorgeous -

Polignano a mare

We arrived the week before the Red Bull Cliff Diving competitions. The high boards were already set up and when you stand on the cliffs opposite, believe me - they are high. 

We hopped around down here plucking up the courage to jump a pathetic few feet - and still managed to leave blood on the rocks.
Check out those camera-shy Italian boys

No thanks

As the clouds rolled in and the winds picked up the coast line changed dramatically to moody, danger-filled cliff tops.

The town itself is filled with little streets and open squares with bars and restaurants in abundance. A fab day out. 

Our final day trip was spent sheltering from a thunderstorm in - 


Built on a cliff side the whole town is developed from a series of caves that became local homes. Prior to the 70's whole families and their animals including chickens and horses would live in these cramped caves. Eventually the government forced them to leave, providing proper housing, but in recent years the old caves have been redeveloped into houses, restaurants and hotels.

It's an impressive sight, even if you are huddled under a parasol slurping your remaining wine as the rain pelts down and the thunder rolls through you.

Every place we visited had incredible food for bargain busting prices. One three course meal with wine cost €30 - for the two of us. Our most expensive meal out was €60 and that was in a beautiful traditional restaurant that served us up six main courses to get through - plus starters, wine and dessert. Greedy much?

If you're considering Italy for a holiday in the near future you'd be wise to at least think about Puglia - it's the only holiday you'll ever go on where you spend less than you expected to. Just watch that waistline...

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