Sunday, August 14, 2016

Top Model

It's been a busy summer so far. The work, life, kids juggle is even more tricky without school, so we've been trying to make the most of the down days and weekends when they come around.

This week the middle boy turned 10. Double figures and obviously cause for celebration.

To coincide with this, George at Asda got in touch to offer me and my daughter the chance to pick some outfits from their ever expanding range. We spent a lovely evening lying in bed fine tuning our choices before sending through the order. (Did you know Asda now ship to Ireland too? An excellent discovery on my previously unaware part.)

So amidst the weekend of cake and presents and sleepovers at Grandma's house we got to take some pictures of our new threads.

It's very obvious that only one of us is a pro here, so please don't judge too harshly.

Not so Mini Me

The 8 year old practising his photography skills

 And that's a wrap.

Disclosure: All clothes were provided free of charge as part of the #GeorgeMiniMe campaign.

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