Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Top 10 Summer Dresses 2015 - The Ultimate Lust List

I've been trying to avoid the shops the past month or so. Too many gorgeous summer clothes and not enough funds mean this is the only sensible option. Unfortunately however - emails, newsletters, instagram, blogs and those damn personlised Google ads that follow you wherever you click have been my undoing. Why yes I have been coveting those boots for over a year now - just leave me alone ok?!

I am currently furiously avoiding all the fabulous summer dresses on offer online. Although I think I may have failed quite spectacularly in this mission. So lets just get it out of the system shall we?

First up is Mister Zimi. Discovered on Instagram - once you look you can't go back. Simple styles and graphic prints. I want everything.

Next up is this beautiful white boho dress from Mango

And if white is your thing how about this from Hush

Mango also have this lovely maxi dress going for an absolute bargain

And Hush this perfectly simple beach dress in a similar style

Another slouchy beach dress - this one is from Mint Velvet. Just add flip flops (and a beach).

If money were no object - check out Anthropologie

Zara have a vast range of dresses - surely something to suit everyone here

Finally - and quite possibly my favourite - this wonderful creation from Mint Velvet.

Did I mention there was a jumpsuit version too..?

Hard to believe I found all these without even looking isn't it. Just imagine the damage I could do if I was actually doing some serious shopping.

So, seen any gems? Which one of these is your favourite?

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