Thursday, June 2, 2011

So which 'Party Mum' are you?

You can tell a lot from a kid's party invitation.

At the top of the pile there are the embossed, glittery Yummy Mummy's Party Princess ones. They are numbered (by the nanny of course) 1 - 100 so that she can keep track of the numbers for the 5 entertainers that have been booked for the marquee in the garden. These are likely to contain a 'gift list' from Hamleys. Shudder.

Down slightly from that are the personalised cards which were pre-ordered by Organised Mum 6 months previously. They have each invitee's name printed on the front, a picture of the birthday girl \ boy inside and matching Thank You cards to follow.

Further down the list we have the pretty shop bought ones favoured by Slightly Insecure Mum. They aren't quiet as common as, but cost twice as much as....

Tesco's selection of 8 for €2.99 for Normal Mum.

Towards the bottom of the heap you then have the computer printed sheets of A4 with the obligatory coloured balloons on the front and Johnny's bad handwriting scrawled inside. Frugal Mum.

Finally for the real Slummy Mummy's there are the texts sent 2 days before the busiest bank holiday of the year.

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I've forgotten to organise my little girls birthday party and had to resort to text aren't you?

Well shame on you. (And also - phew, because I actually haven't).

No. Kaya's 7th birthday party will take place next week and the invites have just been given out. The thing is though, I've always been a Tesco's 8 kind of Mum. Down-to-earth, normal, not too try-hard. We have parties at home with old fashioned party games and have banned party bags.

So the question is this: What on earth possessed me to hand-make 15 Hello Kitty invitations using 3 sheets of coloured card, copious amounts of glue and more time than I have to spare sticking black cardboard whiskers to a (once cute, now deeply irritating) white cat face? 

'Hey, are you copying me?'

Tell me. Please do because I actually have no idea whatsoever what came over me.

And let me also say this. If my daughter came home from school with one of those invites from someone in her class what would I be thinking?

I'd be thinking: 'Wow, Homemade Hello Kitty Invites. Well her Mum is obviously a total dickhead'.

It's too late now of course. I guess I'll have to make up for it with a really shitty party.

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  1. Hahahaha...I think they are Fab! And I'm sure the other Mums & kids will love them! x

  2. They do look great! You could always say your daughter made them though LOL Hope the party goes well :)

  3. Gorgeous, I bet your little girl was made up!

    Mich x

  4. this made me crack up!! I was the mum who spent far too much time making her daughters Easter bonnet this year, so much so it looked like something out of the Rio Carnival! I'm sure the whole nursery staff had a good laugh at that. Good on you, they're cute!

  5. I love them! I must admit I am the mum who goes online to order personalised BUT if I were patient enough or imaginative enough to make home made kitty cards I would defo go down that route!

  6. They look fab! I did put a bit of effort into our parties this year as we had none last year. But I didn't spend anyhere near the amount I would have if I'd held it in a venue. They were at home and the children had a ball. A bit of imagination goes a long way. The boys in my son's class are still talking about his spy birthday party which was in March.

  7. Oh Kate! They're absolutely wonderful. I think you've done a wonderful job and you know what? Kaya will remember that for the rest of her life. She'll be all grown up, nursing her babies, trying to organise her daughter's birthday party in a frazzle, like we all do and she'll think "oh, I remember when my Mum made all those handmade Hello Kitty invitations" and be all warm and fuzzy and wonder how the hell you managed to do it. (That's what I'm hoping for anyway after all the bloody Barbie and Lightning McQueen invitations I've made!) LOL

    Hope it's a lovely party!

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  8. I love your invites! And I do the same exact thing: I end up making some invitations that were supposed to be cute and creative and easy. And then I realize, mid-way through, that easy never EVER goes with cute and creative. As I slice my hand open with my friggin Martha Stewart circle cutter I curse my delusional thinking. And then I do I all over again for the next party.

  9. Kate, I LOVE the invites.

    You are scaring me though about the party invite hierachy.

    In this day and age can parents not facebook or text invites!?!?!?

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  10. Well so far they are too young but I guess the question will be: what kind of party Nanny are you? :-) I think your invitations are fabulous!

  11. I think they're adorable - regarding the cause - I go through phases of guilt for working imposed by the stay-at-home Mummys and feel the need to produce something totally jaw-dropping as a one-off to prove I'm not all bad - these would definitely qualify. I'm sure you're daughter and her friends were delighted with them. Maybe your next post could be on the hierarchy of party bags - a true minefield!

  12. I've asked my wife to shoot me if I even contemplate such a thing as writing party invitations or buying party packs. Apologies for any offence, but some work really is mother's work. Even a man as in touch with his feminine side as I am has to draw the line somewhere.

  13. Ha ha! You're being hard on yourself - they're fab and you're going to run an awesome party I'm sure :D

  14. Seemed like a good idea at the time... Very funny (and cute so time definitely not wasted).
    I would also love a post on the psychology/ sociology/ ecology of party bags. I am also an anti-bagger. Land fill, sugar laden crapola.
    Hope the party is fab.

  15. I love those invites! I have to say I'm partial to anything homemade with paper cutouts.

    I also like how you mixed it up by putting the hair ribbon on the opposite side of some of them.

  16. Gorgeous invites. I suddenly feel the urge to make one for absolutely no reason other than they look cute and I haven't outgrown my Hello Kitty fetish. So I'm probably a much bigger dickhead than you.

  17. I love the kittyvites. And your last two sentences made me nearly wee myself.

  18. Hahahaha they look awesome but you are correct.....if my girl came home with one of these I'd think 'Wow! She has waaaay too much time on her hands' ;-) I'm sure that party will be amazing xx

  19. They look great, well done. I bet they were they talk of the classroom.


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