Saturday, June 4, 2011

Listography - Decisions

This week Listography is inspired by the amazing Christine Mosler at Thinly Spread. If you have been living under a rock with an eye patch on each eye and bananas in your ears you may not have heard about the Save the Children 'No Child Born To Die' campaign. If this is the case please click this link immediately to sign the petition before coming back here to read on.

Off you go now.

All done? Ok, to continue....Christine is currently in Mozambique raising awareness for the campaign. When I read her original post 'Leaping Out Of My Comfort Zone' about receiving the email requesting her to go on the trip I immediately thought of the huge weight that must have been placed on her shoulders. She wrote 'My heart has been beating like a drum and my brain on over drive ever since the email landed in my in box on 27th April as I was cooking the children’s tea. Life changes in a heartbeat. I have been given an amazing opportunity to make a difference.'

So being the amazing person that she is she made the brave decision to go, and is currently doing a fabulous job of raising awareness and promoting the Save the Children Petition. This week one of her blog posts was picked up by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and was featured on their front page. Powerful stuff.

Which brings me to this weeks Listography - Top 5 Decisions I'm Glad I Made.

Here's mine:

1. Going to University.

My lovely Uni.

I was lucky enough not to have had to make too many big decisions in my life before leaving school. Choosing my University was probably my first, possibly-life-changing decision.  The University that I chose, or rather that chose me, was far enough from home that I had to live away and close enough that I could come home every weekend. It's where I drank too much cider, listened to too much Pink Floyd, kissed too many boys and went to too few lectures. This is also where I got the opportunity to:

2. Go to Mexico.
Sent by the University as part of a group working with the people who lived in the shanty towns of a border town. It turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done. Amongst other things I taught some English, played some sports, got taxis with old women carrying live chickens, acted as a dental assistant and drove a pickup truck with 20 kids in the back  I went back a few years later to visit the people I'd met and worked with but I'd forgotten all my Spanish by then so there was a lot of sitting in rooms smiling and nodding at each other.

3. Leaving my cushy job and going to Australia.
Oh dear, I hadn't actually realised before I stated this that it would turn into my personal travelogue...sorry about that. Anyway, I went to Australia at 25, met my husband and had the best time of my life. Not much more to say about that.

4.  Having my kids when I did.
I had my first child at 30 and squeezed in another 2 in the next 4 years. It was a little hairy for awhile there (insert your own joke here) but the youngest will be 3 this year and I finally feel like I'm out of the woods. Fabulous at 40? Bring it on.

5. Starting my blog.
Who could have known that such a little decision would be so life changing? I love my blog. I love lots of other blogs. I love the fact that I'm going to meet loads of other bloggers this month at Cybermummy. I love the opportunities it brings to my mailbox and I love the fact that I am building a role working for myself. I also love your comments so don't be shy now :)

So now it's time to tell me your Top 5 Decisions. Just write your post on your own blog and then come back here to enter your details in the linky below. (And don't forget to throw in a mention to Save the Children!)

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