Friday, November 18, 2016

Homelessness in Ireland - What can we do?

Everyone is aware of the crisis. You only have to walk down the main street of any town in Ireland to see it with your own eyes. 

But look a little deeper and you see another story - the story of the homeless children - living out of suitcases in one room temporary accomodation. No home, no stability, no hope. Living with constant worry , embarrassment and shame. Why me?

This week Focus Ireland launched their Christmas appeal with a hard-hitting campaign that  highlights a record number of  over 2,400 children and nearly 1200 families are  homeless nationwide.  

The new campaign makes an urgent appeal to people  to donate to support Focus Ireland’s work challenging homelessness.  

 "Homelessness. We can’t  live like this anymore.”

Sinead Compton co-director of fundraising Focus Ireland with her two children Arron and Meabh with Sr Stan as they launch the charity's urgent Christmas appeal.
Sr. Stan spoke passionately of the terrible impact being homeless has on children – and families - as she said: “Christmas should be one of the happiest times of year for children and their families. However, it breaks my heart to think that up to 2,500 children will be homeless on Christmas day this year.”

She added: “I know from meeting families who are homeless that we support it’s the children who feel it the worst. Many times a family who are homeless are often squeezed into one hotel room – 3 or 4 people in one room, nowhere to cook or for children to play

But Focus can help. 

Sr. Stan highlighted the vital role Focus Ireland’s lifeline services play in supporting people   as   Focus Ireland reported that its family team services have supported  230 families and just under 450 children   in Dublin to secure a home and escape from the trauma of homelessness in the first 10 months of this year. 

One mother Gillian who was homeless but has now secured a home with support of Focus Ireland said:"When you have a home you don't realise how lucky you are.... my daughter was only two weeks old when we became homeless,  I don't think I'd even be here now if it wasn't for Focus Ireland,  I wake up every day now and  think 'I have a home,"

Maybe it's time to start counting our blessings and helping those a lot less fortunate. 

You can donate whatever you can afford at Focus Ireland  or by calling 1850 204 205.

Note: Focus also campaign tirelessly for increased funding and changes in government policy. Like the Focus Ireland Facebook page to get involved. 

This post is part of a Blog March by members of the Irish Parenting Bloggers network, to raise awareness of homelessness and Focus Ireland’s campaign. You can read more posts on the subject below or by following the hashtag #FocusOnChristmas on social media. Thank you. 

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