Saturday, June 25, 2016

Camping with kids

There's something about camping. The space, the freedom, the crisp mornings and dark evenings. The getting back to nature and bonding over the silence and simplicity of living for a short time under a flimsy piece to material and a few poles.

I remember camping as a child and have nothing but amazing memories of it, and since it's a practically free mini family holiday I want to make sure my kids get the same experience.

What I needed was a tent that would hold myself and the three kids, and was easy enough to put up myself without having to go into damsel in distress mode.

Fortunately the lovely people at Millets chose the perfect one by Vango for me - spacious, comfy and simple.

We had our first test run last weekend at Body & Soul and it was big smiles and thumbs up from all of us.

What camping gives kids is the freedom to roam and explore. To lasso their imagination and shoot for the moon. To toast marshmallows and spend time star gazing. To wear wellie boots, pyjamas and dirty faces and play outside until darkness descends. To develop their independence and take on new tasks - carrying dirty dishes across great swathes of countryside to the communal kitchen all by their own self. To make new friends and spend endless hours kicking balls, flying kites and rolling down hills over and over and over again.

Somehow I had almost forgotten all that. This summer I intend to spend many mini trips reminding myself of it. 

Disclosure: I was sent a tent and camping chairs by Millets in exchange for my views. 

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