Sunday, February 12, 2012

Listography - Mugs

Ok I realise that this Listography is completely ridiculous and will probably have zero entries but I've wanted to do it for awhile and since no other light bulbs went off above my head this week we're stuck with it.

I'm not sure if I'm a bit weird in my love of mugs, but seeing peoples response to Him Up North's call for pictures of eggcups I'd have to say not that weird.

So I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

(I should add here that I am also quite particular about time of day used and beverage held in these vessels.)

Ok maybe a bit weird after all.

Morning Cuppa - preferably in bed and made by someone other than me.

Elevenses. Black coffee with something chocolate on the side.

Bad day = afternoon coffee. Small to limit caffeine

Evening cup of herbal tea. 

Espresso. Anytime.
I'm going to put the linky in here, although I fully expect it to stay empty. Don't feel bad for me. Embrace the weirdness I say.

*UPDATE: So it seems that this Listography has touched a nerve. A weirdness nerve. We even have prizes up for grabs. Go to the Prize Mug post to see the lovely selection on offer.   To enter just linky on up! 

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