Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Quick Quick - Clickity Click

So this isn't my usual mindless nonsense type post. This one is important.

You know the way when you're sitting all comfy in your pjs with a glass of wine in one hand (if you're me) and a bar of chocolate in the other watching TV and one of those ads come on? You know the ones - the ones that show you pictures of ill and starving children that you can't bear to see and frankly find it even harder to deal with now that you've had kids yourself.

So maybe you switch over. Save yourself having the images run through your head when you kiss your own children good night. There's nothing you can really do to help anyway.

Well now you can. And it's just one easy click away (just not yet I haven't finished).

So here's the deal, as explained by the wonderful Josie from  Sleep is for the Weak:

Save the Children’s most ambitious campaign to date [is to] bring into focus the fact that 8 million children a year are still dying from preventable diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhoea.For the next few weeks the No Child Born to Die campaign  is shifting its focus on to vaccination programmes in developing countries and we need YOUR help to make some noise.
In June, David Cameron is hosting a hugely significant conference in London attended by world leaders. This meeting marks the chance to ensure the funding shortfall for vaccinations (4.7 billion) is met by all the donor countries – it might sound a lot but this easily achievable, even in the current economic climate. It just takes commitment from those in power and holds the potential to save the lives of millions of children.

Now if those same world leaders can save the bankers surely they can Save the Children too?
Save the Children are also sending three influencial bloggers to Mozambique to follow the journey of a vaccine form 'coldhouse' to child and report back on their experiences. 
The power of Social Media is strong and has worked before so let's use it. If you're reading this simply click this link to sign the petition and then pass the link on to as many friends as possible.

In order to carry on this blogging juggernaut I'm tagging 8 more bloggers to join in. Just follow these steps:
1) Get your child to either draw or craft a self-portrait of themselves now or in the future, perhaps imagining what they will look like or what they might do. Here's mine doing 'What I want to be when I grow up'.

The picture on the left is my daughter being a vet and the alien on the right is my boy being a scientist, apparently. When asked why he said - 'cause Alan is one and he cuts up cows brains. Nice. The 2 year old wants to be a lion.

2) Sign the Save the Children petition and share news of it with your friends.
3) Come back and join the linky on Josie’s Sleep is for the Weak blog or over at Red Ted Art.
4) Tag 8 bloggers to do the same.
Here's mine:


  1. Brilliant! Done it. Signed it. Ranted about it!

  2. You are a good gal. Checking it out...

  3. Oooh I want to be a lion too! How cute! And scientist/vet ambitions are brilliant.. you are doing well!

    Thank you for supporting Save The Children and their petition. Much appreciated!


  4. Thats great! I like the ambition to cut up cows brains!!!

  5. Cutting up cows brains. Nice ;)

    Thanks for picking up the baton!

  6. Love the scientist hat. And it's always good to see a vet in pink. Have linked in...

  7. I think the hat is in fact his eyes but never mind.


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