Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Gallery - My Backyard

Now I'm not exactly sure, but this may have been taken back in 1971, before I was born and when my older brother was two or three.

But it's definitely taken in the backyard of our family home, the home where my mother still lives and where we all congregate on a weekly basis. The raspberry plants in the background were lovingly planted and cared for by my father along with strawberries, apples and any vegetable you care to mention.

My backyard was where we played hide and seek, tip the can, red rover, basketball, badminton, table tennis. It's the backyard of childhood and children.

Oh I remember now when this photo is from - it's actually my son and it was taken last week. The chubby curly look obviously runs in the family.


  1. Green with envy reading this. Very nostalgic.

  2. Brilliant! What cool hair! Its lovely that you all meet up each week too. xxx

  3. Nice memories, and love the hair ;) @Kahanka

  4. I've said it before but he is just too cute. Can I borrow him?

  5. How fab that you all still meet up there every week, I love that!

  6. What a wonderful trip down memory lane :) your little cherub is very cute

  7. I went with my childhood backyard complete with coal bunker and metal dustbin. Not quite as pretty as the picture you painted...or re-created in your cunning black and white picture! x

  8. It's so special that you can still return to your childhood garden; I was devastated when my parents moved out of mine last year.

  9. my mum also has a great garden. I have good memories of our garden as a child.
    Clever you, I was totally tricked on my first glance at the photo that it was 1971, and then then when I looked again - there's the car - why didn't I spot it before? I was too busy being nostalgic

  10. How fantastic is this post, my mum also has a great garden which includes a 6ft potman haha

  11. oh I love the sound of all the homegrown fruit! and the fab little curly boy! :)

  12. Lol! The bit of car peeping out on the RHS kind of gives the time period away.
    How lovely that you meet up every week, I don't dare hope that my children will live close enough that we can do that when they leave home.

  13. How lovely that time can sort of stand still. Love what you have done this week. Is that trike one you would have played on? It adds to the authenticity I think.

  14. Sweet. Strangely enough, I do have trouble telling between photos of my sister and my niece. I'm never right.

  15. Beautiful curly locks. Beautiful picture. Beautiful image of family time in the garden and homegrown veggies. Makes me all nostalgic for my mum and dad. x

  16. Penny - I think that Raleigh trike has been part of that house forever - it's just always been there - no idea where it actually came from!

  17. Loved the twist at the end of your post! ;o)

  18. This is too cute! The curls are so adorable!

  19. Lovely little boy and lovely memories too x

  20. I'm jealous of all that fruit. Bring us a bowl over with you for cybermummy please!

  21. Red I remember that! Lovely photo and enjoying your blog for the first time.

  22. Lovely pic, lovely words and happy memories.
    Wonderful post.

  23. Adorable.. both the post and the photo!


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