Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pimp My Listography

Last week we covered your Top 5 Albums by a Band. If you haven't read through some of them yet please do so immediately. There were some classics, some never heard ofs, some downright weird ones, lots of forgotten favourites and a couple of cheats!

This week Listography is being pimped out - there was loads of great suggestions for the theme and after much deliberation I've decided that it should go to the wonderful, go-and-sign-up-to-his-blog Reluctant Housedad who is asking you for your 5 Finals (don't worry - it's nothing sports related). So go over and check out his post and don't forget to join in.

Thanks again to anyone else who offered suggestions - I promise not to rob your ideas, but I may be back to you in the not to distant future so stay tuned.


  1. Was so sure I had that one in the bag!! Devastated Kate, devastated.... ;)

  2. Weird??!! Oh the turmoil of shame / national pride!


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