A few months ago myself, my daughter, my sister and my hippie friend took a chance on booking a meditation evening we knew nothing about. The name alone had sold me, but when I learned that Soul Society came with crystals as well as guided meditation there was no going back. My little crystal collection had grown naturally over the past year or so, but I knew nothing about them and wanted to learn more.
So we piled into the car and drove to the venue, got lost, argued, and arrived utterly unzenned at the little room in the park where it was located.
Soul Society is run by Dawn Nolan and Merle O'Grady, with the wonderful Karina providing warmth and support in her utterly unique Karina way. They've been running it without promotion or fanfare for over a year, and it has grown into a much loved and much needed monthly time out for it's attendees.
The evening starts with a yoga mat, a blanket, some carefully selected crystals and lots of smiles. There's a beautiful guided meditation, written for that night's theme by Dawn. Then there's a little talk about crystals by Merle, the choosing of your take-home crystal, some angel cards and a chance to ask any crystal related questions. Merle makes crystals magical yet accessible, explaining that there is no right or wrong way to use them - the key is to just go with what your subconscious is pulled towards.
We then get to break for herbal tea and healthy cake (or so I'm told...). And finally the evening is rounded off with another original meditation from Dawn. The first night saw us head off in our heads on a stroll along a clear cold coastline, followed by relaxation in a big velvet chair by a hot log fire. It was perfect. Almost like the real thing - but without having to get up :)
We left later that evening with a crystal in our pocket, a clear mind and much lighter step.
Our little troop has made it a monthly ritual now. A way of stopping the world and taking some much need deep breaths. Reflecting. Relaxing. And spending time together. It's a bonding, special time and something we all need more of.
IN YOUR OWN WORDS - With Dawn Nolan
1. In your own words what is Soul Society?
Soul Society is a monthly guided meditation evening with crystals. I (Dawn) do the meditations and Merle O'Grady talks us through the powerful healing and supportive abilities of crystals. Each month we set a different theme that we would like to work on such as gratitude/ forgiveness or setting intentions. Everyone who comes gets to choose a crystal to take home with them. Then we stop for tea, cake, chats which is one of my favourite parts (Merle makes these delicious little donut buns that would be rude not to try). All in all, it's a lovely restorative evening of relaxation, connection and taking time out for yourself.
2. Who is it for?
Soul Society is for anyone who wants to take some quality time for themselves, anyone who wants to relax and to connect with likeminded people and anyone who is curious to know more about crystals.
3. Where / when did you learn your craft?
Dawn: I became a Life Coach and NLP practitioner in recent years after working in both graphic and interior design. I set up myhighershelf.com because I'm hugely passionate about wellbeing and helping people find the right tools and support for themselves.
With Soul Society, I was looking to start a monthly meet up for people who were like minded and I suppose spiritually curious ; ) I had met Merle through Mumtalks and asked her if she would be interested in doing this together and we are now on our second year and loving it.
Merle has a background in the fashion industry creating jewellery. She retrained as a Crystal Therapy Practioner after her experiences with crystals had a really positive impact on her life.
4. Where can we find out more ?
You can find out more by following myself @myhighershelf or @merleogradystudio on instagram or for tickets eventbrite.ie
Hippie Files Rating 3. Highly Recommended.
Hippie Files 1 - 10 scale.
1 = Totally normal - accountants welcome. 10 = Peak Hippie - dreadlocked dropouts raised in the woods only)