Monday, September 21, 2015

Tahini Espresso Cups - These are Amazing!

When I was 16 my best friend in the world moved to Australia. There was much weeping and wailing and cries of 'but we'll never see each other again!' 

Since then 25 years have past (holy shit!) - and we have stayed in touch over ever changing forms of medium, from letters and phone calls, to Facebook, Sykpe and Instagram. There was even a decidedly odd patch where all her old gang would gather together and record actual tapes filled with inane chat about..... what were they about Jen??! In those years I've also visited her multiple times, lived with her once, and she's been back home to see all of us here. Strong friendships never die!

Right now she lives a most enviable life filled with sunshine, paddle boarding and great local Aussie food. Did I mention she's an incredible cook too?

Today we're lucky enough to have a guest post from her with a recipe for these amazing Tahini Expresso Cups. 

My friend knocked on my front door today with one of these little beauties to try. Of course I accepted! They are so good that I made a batch this afternoon for myself. 

The original recipe comes from Emily Von Euw but has been Tweeked by my gorgeous friend Timenah, who inspires me daily to step out of my comfort zone.

So here it is, it makes 8-10 medium size cup cakes. My tip is use silicon cupcake mould, only fill in total half way and don't over heat your coconut oil.

1/2 cup tahini
3/4 cup coconut oil - melted
1/2 cup raw cashews

Blend the tahini and cashews, slowly add the coconut oil until mix is smooth. Pour into a jug and fill up little moulds just a little. See the photo for a better idea of the desired thickness of the base. Pop in the freezer for 20 minutes or until they are set.

For the centre surprise !
1/2 tbsp raw cacao
175g dates
118 ml strong coffee (I used 4 shots!!)
1/2 tsp vanilla paste (additional extras to taste Maca, lucuma or mesquite)

Blend this mix until smooth.Add a tsp of date mix on top your set tahini mix.Pour remaining tahini mix over and put them to bed in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Last thing.... Try to share with friends. They are so delicious , that it would be easy to devour them in an afternoon!

You can find lots more inspiration from Jen on The Jenerous Life on Facebook and Instagram. 

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