Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The biggest women's mini marathon in the world

Yesterday I donned layers of rain gear over my regular running clothes and faced the worst of the Irish weather along with 37,000 other women to take part in the VHI Mini Marathon in Dublin. This is the largest women's only mini marathon in the world. Pretty amazing huh?

What made the day even more fabulous was the group of 100+ women I was running with - Running for Gavin. We have all been raising money for the Gavin Glynn Foundation - set up by a remarkable local couple to help other people going through the experience that they themselves went through - parenting a young child who has cancer.

Gavin captured the heart of a nation last year and it was a real privilege to run in his name yesterday.

Here we all are before setting off. If you spot me you have to sponsor me...

The idea is that 10 teams of 10 each raise €100 per person - bringing the grand total in at an incredible €10,000. We've still a way to go though so if you'd like to sponsor any one of us we would be most grateful. 

My Team!

The run itself was wet and the layers of clothing were awkward to run in - but I still managed to cross the line in 53 mins - a PB for me on a 10k race

And then I was too tired to open my eyes for the after shots...

Credit: Pixbyjohn

So go on. Giz a tenner.

Group sponsor page on idontate
Or PM, tweet or comment below. 

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