Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Life in Lists

Well my little blog holiday is over. I mean really, how could I stay away from you guys any longer? Mwah - I missed you all dahlings.

So what have I been doing with my time? Well compiling the usual Christmas present list, writing my Christmas to-do lists (and sometimes actually doing them), watching too many top 10 Christmas Anthems, running through my best moments of 2010 - see a theme here anyone? Yep - my name is Kate and I'm a list addict.

Now we all know some lists are more interesting than others. When I was a teenager is was all Top 5 Boys I'd like to kiss, then it moved onto Top 5 Universities I'd like to go to, Top 5 Countries I want to visit, Top 5 jobs I'd like to have, Top 5 baby names...Now it's likely to be a list of things I'll buy when I win the lottery, or which movie star I'm going to elope with (Johnny Depp since you ask). Well there's nothing wrong with a bit of escapism is there?

So here's the deal. I am going to embrace my chronic listism and post a weekly invitation to all of you to take part. In homage to the wonderful (but time sapping) and in keeping with my blog name - I would like to introduce you to (drum roll please) Kate Takes 5's Weekly Top 5 Listography.

Look! I even made my own button! (Feel free to take it for your own blog - the code's in the side bar over there ----------------->)

Every week I'll post a topic and all you need to do is jump aboard and write your own Top 5 list on that subject on your own blog, then just add your blog on the linky below, and if you have time visit some of the other lovely entries. You might be surprised by what you find. You can tell a lot from a list you know - take it from an addict that knows.

So first up on my very first Listography is -

My Top 5 Good Things About Having Kids (because sometimes it's easy to forget):

1. You get to experience the magic of Christmas all over again.
2. For about 5 straight years you are considered a superhero that can do no wrong.
3. You can watch them sleeping.
4. You get to give and receive unconditional love.
5. You can blame them for the state of your house, the state of yourself, the state of your relationship, the state of your finances, and anything else you care to add.

So that's it. Now get listing.
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