Friday, December 6, 2013

Drape yourself in tinsel and Christmas cheer with the £1,900 KiddyCharts advent calendar giveaways!

online-advent-calendar-badgeWe have a guest today; the somewhat frazzled, Helen Neale. Frazzled because she is trying to look after two small people, while working at home as a freelance writer and blogger. Her website is where she dresses up in high heels and a pressed suit to offer parenting tools and advice to parents of under 9s. She even sells personalised kids charts from there. On she is a little more relaxed. Often to be seen running after the kids, stuffing chocolate in her face, while trying to manage her personal life through Facebook. Occasionally, she might even have wine.


It is wonderful to finally come and visit Kate in Spain *I wish*, even if it is only virtually. Thanks so much for having me; where is the Sangria though? *searches frantically*

A while ago I was a business analyst. I know that is hard to believe. I was deadly serious, and even did maths sometimes.

Then I had children, and ended up getting slightly annoyed with the demands my clients were making at the same time as my babies were screaming. Not sure who was shouting the loudest to be honest.

In some strange eureka moment; I gave up and decided that I was going to start my own business. KiddyCharts was born. The charts we sell were precisely what I had used to get through my parenting challenges. We now have potty training charts and the usual toddler sticker charts; all made with parents like me in mind. The ones that worked best with my kids, our progress-type reward charts also seem to be the most popular with others.

As it is now the season to be jolly, we have sprinkled a few stars, stolen a few baubles *not really*, and grabbed a passing Santa, and turned one of our charts into an advent calendar; just for you. *we aim to please*

But, wait for it. This is not an ordinary calendar. It doesn't have a chocolate in it; I ate them....

Well no, actually, I didn't eat them, what they DO contain is a new giveaway every single day for you to enter, so that you might get just that little bit more for Christmas for either yourself or the kids. We do have a little bit of something for everyone.

Some of the great prizes that are already available include a Micro Scooter and even a few vouchers at website likes Experience Days, and Truprint. This means you get to choose what you would like to buy.

Because I know what it can be like getting yourself organised, the giveaways are open for a full seven days. This means you have that little bit of extra time to get sorted and enter. The first giveaway closes on Sunday 8th December.

It would be amazing if one of Kate's readers wins one of the 24 prizes up for grabs. Why not sign up below to the mailing list to get alerts daily when a new giveaway goes live on the KiddyCharts' site?

You could even pop over there now, and check out what has started over there already. Santa is waiting on the advent calendar for you to open that first present for him. We wouldn't want to disappoint now, would we?
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