Last week we were lucky enough to be sent tickets for the Disney on Ice 'Worlds of Fantasy' experience that was running in Dublin.
All five of us went along and despite the prices of the merchandise...
...we all had a wonderful time. The children (7, 5 and 3) were all totally entralled with the magical spectacle before them and even Dad got excited when Lightening McQueen rolled onto the stage!
I'll let the pictures do the talking:
No. 1 son stifling a yawn before the show |
Guess who got one anyway... |
Mater takes the stage |
The Cars |
Spot the wannabe blogger in the family.. |
Toy Story
It's a hit.
Huge thanks to Disney for providing us with the tickets. Disney on Ice have a new show 'Princesses and Heroes' starting soon so watch out for it!
Disclosure: We were sent a family pass free of charge for the purposes of this review.