Friday, March 11, 2011

One Word Wonder

I've been tagged.

If I am being totally honest (and I am - remember that for later) my heart sank a little when I got the tweet. Usually when I've been tagged I have great plans for joining in. Sometimes I actually manage to read the taggers post. Sometimes I even go so far as to half write my post. But usually that's as far as it gets.

Thankfully this time I actually read the post in full and had nothing left in my bag of excuses. It's by the truly lovely Michelle from Mummy From The Heart  and she had me as soon as I saw 'One Word Meme'. One word? Hey, even I can stretch to that.

Of course this post is more than one word. If I started writing bananas, bananas, bananas over and over again I don't think it would quite capture the readers attention.

Anyway, the real reason I'm going to actually complete this one is because it involves compliments. Lots of them. Directed at me. From you. How brilliant does that sound? (I'll answer that for you - bloody brilliant).

So this is what it's all about - in the words of the lady herself:

This got me thinking about an email I received a few years back, one of those circular things that I normally hate but this one I loved and have never forgotten.  It was about the power of positive affirmations and how knowing what positive things others think of you can boost your own self-esteem.  It talked of an inspirational teacher who got all her children to write one positive word down to describe the other children in the class and then they had to hand them in.  The teacher then collated all the positive words for each child into a special sheet for them and handed it to them to read and keep.  They learnt that their peers saw them in ways they had never imagined and it had an immense effect on them.  The story goes that one of them died and a number of them attended the funeral and it was found that they all still had their lists 20 or so years later as they had been really touched by this loving gesture.  Did this really happen?  Who knows, but I love the sentiment of this story and therefore it does not matter to me if it was real.
Well, what about if us bloggers and virtual friends did something similar?  

And behold - the one word meme was born.

Michelle has already called me talented and funny. That's two words. See how much she thinks of me?
Well now it's your turn. Show me the love by writing your one word about me in the comments. Oh and I have moderation on my comments so if your one word is 'asshole' I just won't publish it.

Kate is ..............

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