Sunday, May 8, 2011

Listography - Bad Combinations

OK, I admit I was struggling a little for inspiration for this weeks Listography. Until, that is, I saw a post from my sister on Facebook which I am shamelessly stealing for this week's theme.

The topic is 'Bad Combinations' and to get you in the spirit of things I thought I'd offer up some inspired suggestions from her and her friends*:

Wind \ Hair \ Lipgloss

Old people \ The Internet

Brush Teeth \ Orange Juice

Playing Playstation \ Itchy nose

Cinema Popcorn \ Cleavage

Sitting in traffic \ Needing the loo

Bixini Waxes \ Dignity

Ok so you get the picture. Obviously none of these people have young children as nobody mentioned number one on my list:

1. Toddlers \ Hangover.
Well any child really, but at least babies sleep a bit in the daytime and at least older kids can be pacified with TV and chocolate. Toddlers just want to jump on your head and tumble down the stairs.

2. Toddlers \ Sudocream.
It's a right of passage isn't it? You left the tub of sudocream on the bedside table and now your 2 year old has bulletproof cream plastered all over his hair \ clothes \ carpet \ toys. I will say no more on the matter because I have a funny feeling Hannah from Metal Mummy will be developing this particular choice.

3. Swimming pool \ Hairy Legs \ Someone you know.

4. Bad Hair Day \ Perfect Mums.
You're tired. It won't matter if you just wear your tracksuit and parka on the school run will it? You can always hide your bad hair under that woolly hat your mum gave you. A pair of shades and no one will know who you are. Will they...? 'Oh coooey - is that you Kate'.

5. Mortgage \ Ireland.
'Nuff said.

Now it's your turn. The list is endless so just pick you own five favourite Bad Combinations and post them on your own blog. Then come back here and put your details in the linky below. And don't forget to visit some of the other entries.


*Thanks to Maria, Ronan and Sian for those wonderful combos. 


  1. Now following your fabulous blog. Hope you follow back xx

  2. Yep am familiarwith all those especially the sudacream - not easy to get out of the carpet either. Mine for today is clean washing/ rainy showers!! Just waisted all morning trying to dry my washing on the line to no avail.

  3. That's a cracker, as usual, Kate. Your Number 3 is brilliant! Male equivalent is Paunch/Pool/Dad With Washboard Stomach

  4. V good! - trying to think of my own now...

  5. This is too funny. Definitely made my day! =]

  6. What a fantastic theme, don't give your sister the credit, say it was all you.

  7. Haha great theme as usual, much fun to do. And I sympathise with the Sudocrem. My baby girl seems to be magnetically attracted to it...

  8. You'll see a common theme in my list Kate!

  9. Thanks for the brilliant theme, yours made me laugh! Plus it inspired me to give it go

  10. lol! I found this difficult, you made me work this week! I'm with you on the popcorn and the perfect hair ones. x

  11. I'm in - love the theme.

    Unfortunately have experience of the toddler+hangover and toddler+sudocreme combos.

    Take care.

  12. I'll be doing this shortly. Sudacrem will definitely be appearing.

  13. Screaming children and a hangover = rough day.

  14. I think my sudocrem/toddler day coincided with the hangover/toddler. I've tried to wipe it from my memory, but it still makes me twitch when I am reminded of it.

  15. Political correctness going mad again...

  16. No idea about the toddler combos but wind/hair/lipgloss... yes yes yes! Daily basis... grrr!
    Great post! :)

  17. YES!! Bad hair day, perfect mums and sudocrem and sometimes all at once!

  18. I just bought a pot of sudocrem it's in the 'stuff for the baby' pile. Think I'd better put it under lock and key.

  19. Thanks for letting me know about this! I love it. I gave it a whirl, but feel like I need more practice.

  20. Great Idea and Great Blog!!! This is so much fun! I'm fairly new to the BLOGGING world, so I love finding all of these great sites!
    My favourite combo of your's is Caillou and Your Ears!!! Oh what I would give for my children to decide they no longer like Caillou.. Some days my oldest sounds just like him!!! Ahhhhh!!!

  21. Thanks for the visit. Got legs waxed a week ago and MUST take Aaron swimming before they get bushy again.......
    Only ever taken him the once :-(

  22. Wonderful. I especially like the not shaved legs one. Not that I'm guilty of that...

  23. I want to do this one over and over. Please!?!?

  24. OMG! You mean I'm the only male to have contributed this week? Arrggghhhh!!!!! :-)

  25. Hehe, I can relate to the sudocream. Although I do recall as a child mixing potions whilst in the bath. Everything would be mixed up together, toothpaste, shampoo, bubble bath, cream. Lovely concoctions. Guess all kids love to mess.

  26. What a great theme! Narrowing it down to 5 takes restraint :/

  27. Hi Kate. Love your blog. I think there might be a few bad combinations on my list that you and your followers could probably relate to.

    Thanks for letting me share.

  28. What a great idea for a blog post! There are endless combinations for this one!!!

  29. Great list and great to see some International links on FlogYoBlog Friday!

  30. Stopped by from Fancy's neck of the woods and now following.......

    My thoughts, Husbands/checkbooks

  31. Really had fun reading your list! Your sister's friends are pretty inventive huh. Had a good laugh at itchy nose and Playstation. :))


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